Pokemon Trainer Meme

14 min read

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SkadiErendra's avatar
Tagged by :iconsacredlugia: and this meme looks so fun it's really hard to resist! XD So, let's do this!



You started your Pokémon journey:
1) At age 10.
2) At age 15.
3) After finishing high school.
4) After finishing college.
5) As far back as you can remember; You grew up in the wilds with Pokémon.
6) No idea; You suffered an accident that erased your previous memory.

   Life shall be my teacher now >:I

The weather was:
1) Sunny.
2) Sunny with some clouds.
3) Cloudy.
4) Rainy.
5) Snowy.
6) A natural disaster.

  What a fine day to catch some Bulbasaurs! *goes out*

You started your journey because:
1) You want to be the very best.
2) You want to catch ‘em all.
3) You want to be a master coordinator.
4) You want to meet many people.
5) You want to discover new Pokémon.
6) You want to explore lost places.

  Yah, an Ice type Bulbasaur!

Your starter Pokémon is:
1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

    Delcatty by pokemon3dsprites
  Pokemon: Delcatty
  Nickname: Tasha

  Oooh, already evolved. Lucky! ;D

In the beginning, your starter:
1) Was practically your twin.
2) Became your friend immediately.
3) Liked you.
4) Was wary of you.
5) Disliked you greatly.
6) Tried to kill you.

  Oh yeah? And I hoped for a Snow Bulbasaur! >:I

The first great obstacle of your journey was:
1) A rival battle.
2) A treacherous route.
3) A wild Pokémon attack.
4) A Pokémon gym.
5) A battle with a criminal team member.
6) A sapling.


At this obstacle, the two of you:
1) Triumphed with little resistance.
2) Achieved victory, though it was tough.
3) Won, but just barely.
4) Tied with the opposition.
5) Lost, though you put up a good fight.
6) Failed miserably.

  I love you forever, my kitty :3

The second Pokémon you caught is:
1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

    Phantump by pokemon3dsprites
   Nickname: Nox

  ......... I guess there won't be any living Grass types in winter, huh?

Your starter and second Pokémon:
1) Love each other dearly.
2) Are good friends.
3) Get along well enough.
4) Don’t seem to like each other.
5) Ignore each other.
6) Are constantly at each other’s throats.

  Yup, kitties likes floating things

When the sun begins to set, you:
1) Set up camp immediately.
2) Make a fire. You need nothing else.
4) Keep walking. A lack of sun makes no difference to you.
5) Break into a run, hoping to find shelter before nightfall.
6) Pick up camp. You only travel at night..

  Hope Nox's friends won't get drawn to the fire 8I

You pass through civilization:
1) Often enough to keep your electronics charged.
2) At least once a week.
3) If it happens to be on your way.
4) Occasionally, but only for supplies.
5) Rarely, and only on the outskirts.
6) Never.

  Oh and DO I carry a lot of electronics on me!

Your third Pokémon is:
1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

    Happiny by pokemon3dsprites
  Pokemon: Happiny
  Nickname: Pepa

  omg no, not this abomination! DX (this is so not working for me)

The three Pokémon on your team:
1) Work together flawlessly.
2) Cooperate well, but could use some work.
3) Have moments of synergy, though not often.
4) Try their best, yet are on completely different beats.
5) Constantly work against each other.
6) Blame you for their horrible collaboration.

  Wait, wha- No! I mean, we're good! We're really great!Al emotion - Sweat Laugh with Fan 

When the going gets tough:
1) Your team pulls through every time.
2) Your starter carries the weight.
3) You come up with a brilliant solution.
4) You win by hax.
5) You win by dumb luck.
6) You get going the opposite direction.

  Ayyy, call me Master Tactitian!:hero: 

Two evolutions have occurred by this point:
1) Starter and 2 evolve.
2) 2 and 3 evolve.
3) 3 and starter evolve.
4) Starter evolves twice
5) 2 evolves twice.
6) 3 evolves twice.

    Blissey by pokemon3dsprites
...yah, you need to try hard to make your momma notice you :unimpressed: 

Over time, you find you work best with and mostly train:
1) Grass, Bug, and Poison types.
2) Water, Ice, and Flying types.
3) Fire, Electric, and Fighting types.
4) Ground, Rock, and Steel types.
5) Dark, Ghost, and Psychic types.
6) Normal, Dragon, and Fairy types.

  oh hey, that's actually quite correct! ;D
  .......what about my current team, though...?

Your fourth Pokémon is:
1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

    Mega Charizard Y by pokemon3dsprites
  Pokemon: Mega Charizard Y
  Nikcname: Dantalion


Your fifth Pokémon is:
1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

    Exeggcute by pokemon3dsprites
  Pokemon: Exeggcute
  Nickname: Sviatovid

  more eggs, what is this? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME?!NUUUUUU 

Your sixth Pokémon is:
1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

    Weavile (male) by pokemon3dsprites
  Pokemon: Weavile
  Nickname: Loki

  Yess, I love Weaville! X3 Somehow I think he will be good friends with Tasha :3

You are offered a trade, and it’s up to you to take it or leave it:
1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

  A shiny?! Why, of course! *buh bye, Sviatovid!*

    Shiny Doduo (Female) by MidnightsShinies
  Pokemon: Doduo
  Nickname: Debito

  hah, still more than one head, I call it karma XD

Another evolution occurs:
1) Starter evolves.
2) 2 evolves.
3) 3 evolves.
4) 4 evolves.
5) 5 evolves.
6) 6 evolves.

  what noooo, but Dantalion cannot! D:

Your team:
1) Is your family.
2) Gets jealous whenever you interact with other trainers.
3) Would protect you from anything.
4) Is loyal to you, but mostly aloof.
5) At least tolerates each of their differences by this point.
6) Is a pretty much a big, chaotic mess.

  you know I pick on you bc I luv you guys~

You travel mostly by:
1) Well-worn footpath.
2) Overgrown trail.
3) Water.
4) Air.
5) Cave.
6) Wilderness.

  yess, all aboard Mega Charizard! XD

Another evolution occurs:
1) Starter evolves.
2) 2 evolves.
3) 3 evolves.
4) 4 evolves.
5) 5 evolves.
6) 6 evolves.

  whaaat but Tasha doesn't even have a Mega form what is with you guys?!

Your journey takes you:
1) Not far from home.
2) Across the region.
3) To another region.
4) Across many regions.
5) Around the world.
6) To places unknown.

  Aye, itchy feet syndrome right here

The strongest Pokémon you faced in battle on your journey was:
1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

    Duskull by pokemon3dsprites
  Sounds about right! I mean, srsly, this guy is a real nightmare fuel! Not even Nox could look into those eyes!D:

Another evolution occurs:
1) Starter evolves.
2) 2 evolves.
3) 3 evolves.
4) 4 evolves.
5) 5 evolves.
6) 6 evolves.

  It's okay Tasha, I know you're trying

The event with the greatest impact on you was:
1) Becoming a Pokémon Champion.
2) The grand evolution of a team member in a dire moment.
3) Finding a hidden landmark of great beauty.
4) Encountering a legendary Pokémon.
5) Having an out-of-body experience in a haunted building.
6) Discovering you’re a child of Mew.

  ...................................Pepa? I mean, she's the only one that evolved on my watch :what:

The hardest trial you ever faced was:
1) Fighting your rival to become Champion.
2) Realizing just how much you have to walk and still sticking out this whole journey thing.
3) Being lost for weeks.
4) Assisting in taking down a criminal organization.
5) Losing a Pokémon.
6) Realizing there are way too many Pokémon to ever catch ‘em all.

  wai- WHAT?! Who?!Noo 

Your starter:
1) Is your strongest Pokémon and best friend.
2) Is your good friend, but far from the strongest.
3) Is your strongest Pokémon, but emotionally distant.
4) Is about the same as the rest of your team.
5) Stayed behind some point during your journey.
6) Is deceased.

  oooooh, so that's why you've tried so hard to evolve! My baby~

And you are now:
1) Gambling all the money you’ve earned in the Celadon Game Corner.
2) Hidden away at the top of Mt. Silver for an indefinite amount of time.
3) Exploring the many islands littered in the oceans surrounding Hoenn.
4) Lost in the Distortion World after a mishap in the ruins at Mt. Coronet.
5) Trolling inexperienced trainers in the Driftveil World Tournament.
6) Reflecting on past decisions beside the monument of Geosenge Town.


The team that saw you to your journey’s end:

    Delcatty by pokemon3dsprites    Phantump by pokemon3dsprites    Blissey by pokemon3dsprites    Mega Charizard Y by pokemon3dsprites   Shiny Doduo (Female) by MidnightsShinies   Weavile (male) by pokemon3dsprites 

um wow... that's one weird team to travel with XD But hey, they're MY team! ;D

The rivals who shared the journey with you (tag time):
Hmm, I don't really have many Pokemon friends to tag so how about...
:iconantarija: :icongecko-comics: :iconraycchan: and anyone else who wants to do this meme! ;D
© 2016 - 2024 SkadiErendra
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SacredLugia's avatar
Ahh yes this was awesome :iconheplz:
Omg we both have the mega Charizard! #twinning 
Poor Pepa tries so hard, r.i.p.